Banking and Finance

How To Cover Unexpected Expenses With Credit Cards From The Best Banks In Ghana With No Interest

Acquire Debit And Credit Card In Ghana For Your Online, Point Of Sales Transactions And ATM Withdrawals

In today’s era of globalization, online businesses, online shopping where you can buy- sell through the internet and business purpose mobility. Electronic cards are the only way to have the world within reach. Having a credit card in Ghana, debit card or MasterCard network cards however, made that easy without hassle at all. With these cards, holders can make withdrawals, buy and sell goods and services, make online payments locally and internationally. Aside that, you don’t need to be carrying physical cash on your pocket or wallet, it isn’t safe at all. With a credit card in Ghana or debit card, MasterCard, you can withdraw funds at all ATM branded terminals and any point of sales(POS).

Understanding Electronic Transactions(Credit Card In Ghana)

Before we move on, let’s explain what a credit card, debit card and MasterCard card does.

Credit Card: A credit card refers to a payment card with an access to a monthly recurring line of credit. The amount of credit available to a cardholder is however based on individual’s credit score that’s derived from an individual’s financial and demographic background. It allows users to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder’s accrued debt. It means you can pay for goods and services with your credit card even if you don’t have funds and pay back later, usually in monthly bases with interest.

Debit Card: A debit card is a payment card that debits your account or deduct money directly from a user’s checking account when it is used. Perhaps to purchase goods and services, make payments online or make withdrawals. A debit card is also termed as “a check card”, they can be used to buy goods or services or to get withdrawal from an automated teller machine(ATM) and any point of sales (POS).

MasterCard card: MasterCard is a payment network which has partnership with financial institutions. The financial institutions issues MasterCard payment cards such as visa card which is processed on the MasterCard payment network.

How To Get a Credit Card  in Ghana

Standard chartEred Bank

Credit card in Ghana – Standard chartered bank in Ghana offers, enhanced privilege cards along with convenience and security for businesses and corporate organizations in the country. As a card holder of standard chartered bank in Ghana, you earn rewards to enhance monetary flexibility.

Visa Platinum Credit Card: Standard Chartered bank has a visa platinum credit card that allow cardholders to earn high in their 360° rewards program. If you are a visa platinum credo card holder,  you will get 59 days interest free rate as from the first day you start using the card. Also, you get 2 free supplementary cards for your business deals. Card holders are able to withdraw funds, do transactions and make online payments with many more benefits.

Standard chartered Visa platinum for education
Standard chartered Visa platinum (standard chartered bank)

2. Visa infinite credit card: This card is no different from the first one, it offers high points of rewards through the 360° program.  It also offers 50 days of interest free rate for card holders and free lounge access to over 1,000 airports  worldwide.

Application for standard chartered bank cards eligibility

Credit card in Ghana – Salary workers and self employed professionals with a minimum monthly net of Ghs 22,500.00 are eligible for these cards. This is for all those who are solely interested in cash back, you’ll get your reward in fold. You must be an individual or corporate body who has about six months relationship with the bank. For more details click to get in touch with Standard Chartered bank.

Absa bank

How to get a Credit card in Ghana – If you actually want to spread cost to cover unexpected expenses, then go for Absa bank credit cards.

Absa bank Platinum credit card: Absa bank platinum credit card offers packages with great features, rewards and privileges. You can pay for airline tickets, get access to over 700 VIP lounges. The annual fee for the platinum credit card is Ghs 150.00 per year.

2. Absa Classic Credit Card: pay for your unexpected expenses with the Absa bank classic credit card. Enjoy 55 days  interest free of convenience with flexibility and peace of mind. Absa Classic credit card charges Ghs 100.00 annually.

Eligibility and application for Absa bank account holders

For Absa account holders (salary workers), applicants must produce 1 valid identity card(passport for foreigners), latest payslip and must complete application form with all details. For non-salary workers who are account holders, applicants must produce 1 national identity card, and a completed application form. For applicants who are new to the bank, they must have at least 1 month account balance and a completed application form. For more information contact absa bank.

Ecobank cards

Credit card in Ghana – Ecoban offers credit and debit cards flexibility with their numerous great cards. If you are an Ecobank account holder or an Ecobank premier account holder then you are good to go, you can apply for an Ecobank credit card, spend money and pay back later with lower interest.

1. Ecobank advantage gold credit card: Advantage gold credit card can be used for online shopping and business deals. It’s available in over 1,200 branches in 34 countries. It’s so far the easiest way to pay for products and services online, withdraw funds at point of sales(POS) and ATM’s. It can be used locally and internationally.

Ecobank credit card for information
Ecobank advantage gold credit card (by Ecobank)

2. Ecobank premier platinum credit card: This card is made to enhance high earners and business organizations. It offers a unique personal touch to cardholders. Transactions are made simple and easy with a global recognition.

3. Pan African Card: This is the first pan African card that’s owned by gateway, simply designed for Ecobank account holders. The pan African card has PAC enabled, which means it’s secure and contactless, just point to make withdrawals and make transactions, pay for online purchases. With the Ecobank pan African card, you can make withdrawals, shop and purchase goods and services online across Africa. Ecobank is an issuer of the pan African visa card which is available in 25 countries across the pan African network. It also has the pan African master card which is available in 31 countries. Cardholders have easy access to their funds across the pan African countries.

4. MasterCard card: With MasterCard card, you have the world within your reach with ease, purchase online, make payments and withdraw your funds worldwide. MasterCard is known to be one of the most recognized network in the world and available in over 210 countries. Ecobank MasterCard card is accepted worldwide and free to use. It’s available to individuals and corporate bodies.

Ecobank Cards Application and Eligibility

How to get a Credit card in Ghana- individuals applying for the various Ecobank cards must  be a in resident and must be a complete account holder at Ecobank. They must produce 1 mandatory card(ID card or any), produce passport photographs, proof of residence or residence permit and answer questions on KYC. For non-residence, they must complete account opening, 1 mandatory card and proof of address, 2 passport photographs and proof of earnings with tax identification.

For Ecobank MasterCard card, individual applicants must be gainfully employed with steady income. Applicants must posses an international passport, 2 references with one being Ecobank.(Open Ecobank account) and finally, applicants must provide evidence of residence. For more information contact Ecobank

Access Bank

Access bank has various different credit cards in Ghana that is suitable for individuals and corporate bodies.

1. Access Bank Debit Card: Access bank has a debit card for access bank account holders. With Access bank debit card, you have full access to your funds both locally and internationally. You can purchase and make payment anytime, any day and anywhere.

Access bank debit card for education
Access bank debit card(by access bank)

2. Access bank credit card: It allows cardholders to use and make payments or withdraw funds in a more convenient way even when they don’t have money in their account, use and pay later! You spend via an approved line of credit limit set on.

3. Access Prepaid card: The access prepaid card allows cardholders to load and transfer funds faster across the globe. It’s reloadable with multi currency prepaid cards available. All of the access bank cards are contactless, thus tap and pay without any personal contact.

Access bank prepaid card for education

Access Bank Cards eligibility and application

Applicants must be access bank account holders or open account with access bank to qualify for the various cards. Contact Access Bank for more details

Fidelity bank

Credit card in Ghana – The Fidelity bank Ghana has all interesting and great cards and features that will make your life easy and better, be it an individual or corporate organizations.

1. Visa Classic Debit Card: Make life easy with the Fidelity bank visa classic debit card, it’s a personalised payment card that is issued by the bank’s branches across nation. You can make online purchases, point of sales services and make free withdrawals at any enabled visa ATM brand without withdrawal fees.

2. Visa Gold Card: The visa gold card also comes with no withdrawal fees at all branded ATM services. You can make online payments, and withdraw funds across globe. It’s issued within 15 days upon application.

3. Visa Platinum Debit Card: This unique card by Fidelity bank offers unique services both locally and internationally, it’s accessible worldwide. Which means you can have access to your funds anywhere around the world.

4. Fidelity Prepaid Card: Fidelity bank issues prepaid card for Fidelity bank account holders. With the prepaid card, you can withdraw funds and make transactions within the Fidelity bank branches. This is suitable for businesses and organizations.

Eligibility and application of Fidelity bank cards

Applicants must have partnership with bank by opening an account. Account holders, salary earners, self employed professionals and corporate bodies can apply. Applicants must Complete application form at Fidelity bank to get your desired card processed.  For more details contact Fidelity bank

Gt bank Ghana

How to get a Credit card in Ghana -The GT bank Ghana issues various world recognized cards to enhance the flexibility and accessibility of funds worldwide.

1. World Card (MasterCard Credit Card): GT bank is an issuer of the world card MasterCard credit card. It’s a world recognized card which gives cardholders incredible offers. Holders of the card enjoys travel and medical insurance up to $500,000 USD, lounge access to over 900 airports across globe.

MasterCard logo for education

2. Visa Debit Card: This card makes it easy for cardholders have access to their funds anywhere and any day. Buy goods and services across globe, make online payments and withdraw money at any ATM branded enabled merchant. You can also make payment at point of sales(POS) merchant.

3. Visa Gold card: The Visa gold card offers exceptional features. It’s accessible worldwide. Read more

4. Visa Electronic International Card: GT bank issues visa electronic card that is internationally recognized. Card holders can get access to their funds while on a journey. It’s easy and accessible worldwide.

5. MasterCard Debit Card: Get access to your money worldwide with the GT bank MasterCard debit card. For easy transactions, payment, withdrawals and online purchases. They also issue GT Bank debit card master card which offers similarly.

GT Bank cards application and eligibility

Applicants must have direct “account holder” relationship with the bank. Applicants complete application form and open an account with the bank. Contact GT Bank Ghana for more details

Zenith bank

How to get a Credit card in Ghana – Zenith bank issues a variety range of cards for easy transactions and withdrawals both locally and internationally.

Zenith Bank logo for education
Zenith bank cards(by zenith bank)

1. Zenith Eazypay: Zenith Eazypay is a basic card that is issued by Zenith bank to facilitate easy withdrawals on ATM’s that’s installed countrywide. With the Zenith Eazypay card, holders only spend what they have in their account at Zenith within the country.

2. Zenith Visa Classic Debit Card: This is an electronic card that allows cardholders to make withdrawals, pay for goods and services and make online order worldwide from their account. Get easy access to your funds anywhere in the world, make purchases in another country whiles in your country. Get the world within your reach!

3. Zenith Visa Classic Credit Card: This card allows cardholders withdraw funds, purchase goods and services globally within their credit limit at all visa enabled point.

4. Debit Visa Platinum Debit Card: This electronic card enhance cardholders to withdraw money, make purchase online, pay for goods and services with funds from their account. This card enables higher withdrawals.

5. Zenith MasterCard Debit Card: Like any other MasterCard debit card, it enables cardholders to withdraw funds, pay for goods and services and do anything with funds from their account worldwide with ease accessibility.

6. Zenith MasterCard platinum Credit Card: Cardholders spend any amount within their credit limit worldwide. Make withdrawals and transactions anywhere in the world. Flexibility and accessibility of funds!

7. Zenith MasterCard Executive Travel Card: Specifically for executive travelers who frequently travel around the world. You can pay for airplane tickets, make transactions, withdraw funds and many more with ease.

8. Zenith Corporate MasterCard: An electronic prepaid debit card that’s designed for the needs of corporate bodies, government to business and business to government deals. You get access to your funds as easy as possible in both local and international transactions.

9. Global Travelwallet Card: According to Zenith bank, this card is a dollar dominated prepaid travel card that is reloadable and enhances purchases and withdrawals globally.

Eligibility and application for Zenith Bank cards.

Applicants must complete an application form, open account with Zenith bank and provide personal details. Applicants should visit any branch of Zenith bank in Ghana for further details or contact Zenith bank via web for details.

Ghana commercial bank – gcb

How to get a Credit card in Ghana – The Ghana commercial bank is so far known to be the largest issuer of cards readily to enhancing secure and safe withdrawals and transactions.

1. ReadyCash Debit Card: GCB issues ReadyCash card for it’s account holders. When you open an account with the Ghana commercial bank, you will be provided a ReadyCash debit card that allows cardholders have access to their funds at any ATM across the country. Cardholders can check their account, transfer, withdraw funds and request for mini statement of account with ease. You have your bank account in your pocket with GCB’s ReadyCash within the country.

GCB readycash image for information
GCB ReadyCash(by GCB)

2. Visa and MasterCard Cards: It has both visa card and MasterCard network card for electronic payments. It allows cardholders to transact business through any MasterCard network, cirus and visa card branded terminals such as Point of Sales(POS) and ATM. The GCB MasterCard and visa cards are accepted in over 30 million terminal locations worldwide. Cardholders are able to access their funds at anytime, anywhere and well secured.

Application and Eligibility of GCB cards

Applicants must have relationship with the bank, that’s they must be GCB account holders. Applicants should visit any GCB bank branch office for further enquiries or existing account holders should contact the Ghana commercial bank for application.

Uba bank Ghana

Credit card in Ghana – UBA bank is an issuer of cards for safe and secure transactions, withdrawals and online purchases.

UBA bank logo for education
UBA bank cards

1. MasterCard Platinum: The UBA MasterCard platinum guarantees easy and safer transactions locally and internationally with maximum enhancement. Transfer and withdraw funds anywhere in the world.

2. UBA Visa and MasterCard Debit Cards: It allows cardholders to make withdrawals on visa card and MasterCard at ATM branded terminals with flexibility. Cardholders can also make purchases locally and internationally. UBA visa and MasterCard debit cards are available in all point of sales (POS) globally. Users can make online payments securely.

3. UBA Prepaid Card: An internationally recognized, it’s reloadable and prefunded for all ATM’s, POS(point of sales) and online payments.

UBA cards eligibility and application

Applicants must provide personal details with a completed application form. Applicants must have an “account” relationship with the bank as an account holder. Both local and foreign applicants are verily welcome. You can apply for the UBA cards online or visit any branch of UBA bank Ghana for further details.

Stanbic bank

How to get a Credit card in Ghana – Stanbic bank issues a very beneficial  credit card for their cardholders.

1. Stanbic Bank Credit Card: Stanbic bank credit card is suitable for transactions, withdrawals and online payments. It offers 25 days interest-free payment period for cardholders.

Image for education
Credit card (unsplash image)

Application and Eligibility of Stanbic bank Card

Applicants must complete an application form, open an account with the bank, must have steady flow of income. Individuals and corporate bodies can apply for Stanbic bank credit card. For more details visit Stanbic bank branches nationwide or apply via stanbic bank website On the go!

Get the world within your reach with electronic cards. Globalization calls for a radical change on how money is kept and used.

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Thomas Goodman

Thomas Goodman is a Degree Holder, a prolific Personal Finance writer and Expert. His work has been recognized by Millions of people round the world and the United States precisely. He has since over a decade, helped people to manage and gain full control over their finances through his adequate and concrete write-ups. His Goal is to inform and educate people worldwide on Personal Finance, Budgeting, Banking and Finance, Career Planning and Savings. He loves to Educate people to attain their financial freedom. Reach out to Him personally on [email protected]

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