Personal Finance

9 Legal Money Making Schemes That Allows You Earn Money The Unconventional Way

9 Best Money Making Schemes That Are Actually Legal

When we talk about the legal and best money making schemes, also on board are a certain group of the population who are always willing to work really the extra mile to find ways they wouldn’t have to work whiles making money. Yes, finding a reliable profession, buying a modest home with an affordable mortgage and keeping up regular 401(k) contributions is a tried-and-true method for building wealth, but that’s just not the right path for some people and that’s normal. Just because you are committed to being a hustler doesn’t necessarily mean you are relegated to chasing bogus get-rich-quick scams or not-bogus-but-very-much-illegal get-rich-quick schemes. Read also 13 Most Profitable Online Business Ideas For Web Developers And Internet Users

Earning Money The Unconventional Way

There are still some schemes out there that, although they sound a little shady, are nonetheless legitimate and might help you make money quickly. Below, I share some of the best money making schemes that are actually legal and can help you Earn money the unconventional way. Read also 3 Best Ways To Earn Passive Income With Crypto With No Investment

9 Legal Best Money Making Schemes

1. Crowdfunding Your Business

Typically, in order to start a new business, you need a lot of money and if you don’t have it yourself, you will have to either take out business loans, which includes paying interest and assuming liability for repaying the loans or take on investors who will ultimately own a share of whatever you are building. Luckily, the internet has given rise to a whole new method for getting your business idea off the ground without investing one dime of your own money, by means of crowdfunding.

Getting Started With CrowdFunding

A lot of private businesses turn to sites such as Indiegogo or Kickstarter to raise startup capital and if you can make a good video and upsell your personal story in the right way, you can get thousands and even millions of people to send you cash. In the end, if your business takes off, you will owe them nothing aside from any promised rewards and reap all the benefits yourself. The best part is that, it’s completely legal to do do crowd funding. Read also 8 Easy Ways To Make Money With eCommerce By Improved Leads And Sales

2. Trading Cryptocurrency

Another best money making schemes that is completely legal is trading Cryptos. At this point, everyone is no doubt aware that bitcoin are worth money. However, can anyone really say for certain why? The truth is, things are worth whatever someone else will pay for them and despite the fact that cryptocurrencies were essentially invented out of thin air less than a decade ago, there are still a lot of people willing to pay for them.
It’s part of a concept in investing called “the greater fool theory” wherein it’s never stupid to pay for something as long as someone else is ultimately willing to pay more. As long as you are not among the most foolish people in the game, swapping different types of magical internet money back and forth can be quite lucrative.

How To Get Started Trading Cryptos

You can invest in cryptocurrency through several cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Coinbase and blockchain wallet. To get started, you will have to create an account and link your bank account. Then, you can buy and sell cryptocurrency just as you would with stocks. Read also 20 Creative Strategies To Save Money In Daily Life – The Smart Guide To Gain Control Of Your Financial Future

3. Gambling/Betting

Hand, smartphone

Also amongst the best money making schemes is gambling or betting. People always say those table games are rigged, not weighted-dice or marked-cards rigged ,  but rigged with math that ensures the odds are always in favor of you losing. However, there are still ways to place bets where you are putting your money up against other gamblers such as sports betting rather than the casinos, where, if you really can find an edge over the competition, you can make money legally.

Getting Started With Betting

If sports are your best thing, sportsbets could be your best bet. Sportsbooks essentially act as brokers, taking a cut of the total action but trying to keep the money riding on both teams evenly so they make consistent profits regardless of who wins. If you can be smarter than the other gamblers, you can be profitable. Poker, likewise, is a game that can be mastered and played for profit. In fact, poker has repeatedly been recognized as a game of skill that’s classified as a “trade or business” by courts since long.

Actually, none of this is easy, very, very few people actually get good enough to be consistently profitable playing cards or betting on sports but the elite do really make a good living out of it. Read also 15 Most Important Assets That Will Increase Your Net Worth Significantly

4. Writing Amazon Reviews

Amazon has become an enormous driver of retail as a massive e-commerce ecosystem consisting of millions of different buyers and sellers. Anyone who can get some traction with positive reviews will be able to start getting their product to pop up in more and more consumers searches. As such, a lot of companies are ready to pay you for your opinion or give you a product for free. It’s technically against Amazon’s review guidelines though, so you are putting your account at risk of termination. Yes, you can also find more options for just writing fake reviews. It is immoral quite possibly but it isn’t illegal at the moment.

Getting Started With Amazon Reviews

Because Amazon has banned paid reviews, the best way to find review opportunities is through Facebook. There are Facebook groups dedicated to sellers looking for customers to write reviews in exchange for payment or free products and you might even be targeted for these opportunities through Facebook ads you see on your feed. Remember, however, that Amazon could suspend your account if they realize you are writing paid reviews but you can make good money out of reviews and it’s considered among the best money making schemes that is actually legal. Read also 4 Amazing Financial Stress Relieving Tips To Improve Your Financial Independence

5. Reselling Items on Craigslist or eBay

If you are a bargain hunter, you can make a good profit by reselling items for more than they paid for them on sites like eBay and Craigslist. One Business Insider, a lady disclosed that she makes $5,000 a month reselling items she buys at thrift stores through the Poshmark app. The returns can be even higher if you get your hands on limited-edition products. For instance, a Kate Moss T-shirt made by Supreme that retailed for $30 could fetch $1,000 in resale.

Getting Started With Resale

The best part of this best money making “scheme” is that it requires no capital to get started. You can begin by selling items you have lying around the house, which is a great way to declutter while making some money. You can also browse the “free” section on Craigslist to find items that you can pick up at no cost and resell for 100% profit. Read also 16 Realistic Tips To Make Money Selling On eBay

6. Selling Your Plasma

If you are not squeamish around needles, you can turn your blood into money, and it’s the best money making schemes that is actually legal. The plasma donation process takes about a one and half hours, you can make between $20 to $50 per donation and can be done again after every two months. To donate plasma, your blood will be drawn, the plasma will be separated out and the blood will be returned to your body. The plasma is typically used to create products that help with blood clotting disorders and other diseases as well. This best money making schemes is completely legal.

Getting Started Donating Plasma

Search for a plasma donation center near you to get started even though it’s not so everywhere in the world. The major companies include octapharma  Plasma, Grifols and CSL Plasma. If you go to donate, you should bring proof of address, a photo ID and proof of your Social Security number. You should eat regularly and drink plenty of fluids leading up to your donation appointment. Read also 22 Smart Ways To Make Quick And Easy Money Right Now

7. Flipping Real Estate Contracts

Flipping real estate contracts is a way to invest in real estate with far less capital than what is needed to buy a home. To make money as a real estate contract flipper which is also called a real estate wholesaler, you enter into an agreement with the original owner to buy the property at a later date, usually in return for an equitable interest in the home. It’s then your responsibility to find a buyer for the home. When you flip contracts, you never actually take possession of the home, so there is less risk and less capital involved than a traditional real estate investment.

Getting Started As Real Estate Flipper

Although the way you make money seems simple, the contracts can be complex, however, it is probably beneficial to take a course on how to do this before you make your first flip. An online real estate wholesale mastery certification course can help you learn how to generate leads, create marketing campaigns and turn profits. Once you have completed a course or studied up on your own, there are several ways you can find properties to wholesale, through real estate brokers, REOs, auctions and FSBOs. Read also 10 Best Ways To Build Wealth Quickly With Or Without Money

8. Multilevel Marketing

As most people behind multilevel marketing schemes will tell you, they are not pyramid schemes. Pyramid-scheme adjacent, of course but technically not pyramid schemes. Multilevel marketing is the system made famous by companies like Herbalife. In this system, a company relies heavily on a salesforce working entirely on commission. Not only do those people sell the products, but they also recruit their own team of salespersons and collect a cut of the commissions from anyone they bring on board.

There is potentially money to be made for an enterprising salesperson who is good with people and can recruit a team to sell under them, just be aware that the key difference between this and a pure pyramid scheme is the product itself. If actual consumers are buying and using what you are selling, it’s a multilevel marketing scheme. If the vast majority of the product is sitting in boxes in the garages of salespeople, then it’s not. Even if the company is not a pyramid scheme, it’s worth noting that relatively few people earn meaningful incomes through multilevel marketing.

Getting Started With Multilevel Marketing

Since multilevel marketing is always dependent on recruiting new sellers, it’s easy to get started. Companies like Herbalife, Amway and Avon allow you to sign up to sell their products via their respective websites. Although it is easy to get started selling, it is not such an easy road to turn a profit. For instance, a Federal Trade Commission investigation into Herbalife found that a large majority of distributors made little or no money and a substantial percentage lost money. So think twice before you sign up as a distributor for any of these companies even though it’s legal and considered one of the best money making schemes you can earn profit from. Read also 9 Creative Digital Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses To Attract Real-Time Customers

9. Credit Card Churning

Credit card churning refers to the practice of opening new credit cards specifically to get sign-up bonuses and rewards. Once you charge enough on the card to get the reward, typically you have to spend a certain amount within the first 90 days of opening and you stop using the card.
This practice can come with some risks especially if you are charging more than you can afford to pay back in full each month but if done correctly you can swipe your way to free cash-back bonuses and travel rewards.

Getting Started With Credit Card Churning

Sign-up bonuses are always changing, so visit the sites of the major credit card companies to see which cards are offering the largest bonuses at the moment. You should start small, with two or three cards at most and do not open any new cards until you have paid the balances off the cards you open. Make sure to read the fine print because some credit card issuers set limits on how many cards you can open with them in a certain period of time. It is also important to keep your spending in check and only charge what you can afford to pay back in full. Else the interest you end up owing could negatively affect any cash back or rewards you earned by opening the card. Also to potentially racking up debt, another risk with credit card churning is that it can hurt your credit score because applying for a card generally counts as a hard inquiry. Multiple hard inquiries in a short period of time could cause your credit score to drop, so keep this in mind if you plan on applying for a home, car or other loans. Aside that, credit card churning is very legal and considered one of the best money making schemes you can sweep rewards and cash back. Read also 11 Legit Ways To Make Quick Money Within 24 Hours


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Thomas Goodman

Thomas Goodman is a Degree Holder, a prolific Personal Finance writer and Expert. His work has been recognized by Millions of people round the world and the United States precisely. He has since over a decade, helped people to manage and gain full control over their finances through his adequate and concrete write-ups. His Goal is to inform and educate people worldwide on Personal Finance, Budgeting, Banking and Finance, Career Planning and Savings. He loves to Educate people to attain their financial freedom. Reach out to Him personally on [email protected]

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