Banking and Finance

How To Get Instant Emergency Loan In Ghana

Where To Get Emergency Loans With Instant Approval In Ghana

It can be very frustrating when you need cash urgently to solicit unforseen circumstances and all efforts to get money went futile. In this post, I will share with you, where you can acquire instant emergency loans in Ghana while at the comfort of your home without going through any hassle. You have your cash disbursed to you within a day through your mobile money account or bank account. The following financial institutions offer instant emergency loans in Ghana with easy application, flexible loan requirements and flexible loan repayment terms.

Quick Glance

✔ GTbank Quick credit

✔ MTN Quickloan

✔ Direct service loans

✔ Fido money

✔ BloomKash

✔ Access bank payday loans

✔ Stanbic bank USSD mobile banking

✔ UMB speedapp

✔ Blue financial service Ghana limited

How To Get Instant Emergency Loans In Ghana

1. GTbank Quick Credit

This is an instant emergency loan that is offered by GTbank Ghana, it’s a payday loan that is meant for salary workers who need money in urgent instances before the month ends. All salary workers who has an account with GTbank (and even those who don’t) are eligible to apply for GTbank quick credit for payday loans. It’s applicable through the mobile phone by dialing *737*0# and follow the procedures. Repayment period is 30 days time frame.

2. MTN Quickloan

An instant mobile loan that’s offered through the mobile phone by means of MTN mobile money. Anyone who has registered and do regular transactions with the network could be eligible to apply for MTN quickloan. Once you qualify to apply for a loan and if you apply, the money will be disbursed instantly into your mobile money wallet. There’s no fixed amount for MTN quickloan, it depends on your regular transactions and repayment period. The more you take loans and repay, the higher your chances of getting higher amount. You can access the network by dialing *170# choose option 5 and follow the due procedure. The repayment period is 30 days time frame.

3. Direct Service Loan

Direct service loan is offered by direct savings and loans, a financial company in Ghana. It offers instant and emergency loans for in-service personnel such as the national service personnel, NABCo personnel and national youth employment personnel. Your loan will be approved within one working day and disbursement made through your ezwich card. Direct savings and loans has flexible repayment terms. They also offer loans for salary workers which disbursement are initiated within a day. At the comfort of your home, in-service national service personnel can dial *396*1# and follow the procedure to apply for instant emergency loan. Salary workers can dial *396*2# via any network in Ghana.

4. Fido money

Fido money is an online short term loan application app by fido micro credit limited. It’s the best loan application app in Ghana where you can get a loan offer up to Ghs 200.00 and up to Ghs 1000.00 for salary workers without any collateral. You just have to download fido money app from google play store or appstore and register. Your loan will be approved within a day and you have the cash disbursed into your mobile money account. Loan repayment are made within 33 days.

5. BloomKash

Another short term online loan service is BloomKash. It helps you access credit anywhere in Ghana with no hassle and you can get a loan up to Ghs 1000.00. You just have to download the BloomKash app from google play store, register and apply for your instant emergency loan. The loan application will be processed in a working day then you have the money disbursed to your bank account or mobile money account. BloomKash repayment period is between 91 days to 365 days.

6. Access Bank Payday Loans

Access bank is a reputable financial institution in Ghana, it offers Access bank payday loans that aims to allow salary workers have instant cash flow to meet urgent situations before payday. You may apply for access bank payday loans by dialing *901*11# and follow the due procedure to apply. The payday loans are eligible to salary workers and repayment is 30 days.

7. Stanbic Bank USSD Mobile Banking

Stanbic bank ussd mobile banking offers a swift and easiest way to apply for emergency loans by dialing *715#. You need to have an account with stanbic bank before you can apply for the stanbic bank USSD loans. You can get an approved loan of Ghs 700.00 and higher via your mobile phone. When your loan application is approved, your cash would be disbursed through your stanbic bank account or mobile money account within 72 hours. You can also download the stanbic bank mobile app, set up your profile and apply for the loan, you will receive your cash right in the comfort of your home. Loan terms are easy and flexible.

8. UMB SpeedApp

UMB speedapp is a mobile banking application by the universal merchant bank in Ghana. The UMB speedapp mobile banking allows the institution’s customers perform various banking features including loan application. As a universal merchant bank customer, download the UMB speedapp from google play store, register and apply for any loan anywhere anytime. It provides easy access to credit whiles your cash is low. Note that you must be a UMB verified account holder before you can apply for any loan via the UMB speedapp. Your loan application will undergo few checks before approval, the loan would be disbursed into your UMB account and you can withdraw from the UMB speedapp at any UMB ATM with an e-token.

9. Blue Financial Service Ghana Limited

Blue financial service Ghana limited is a licensed financial company in Ghana that offers “Term” and “emergency” loans. The “term” loans are offered to businesses and is repaid within 90 days whiles the “emergency” loans are offered to individuals who find themselves in any emergency situation and needs money to sort out.

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is for educational and informational purposes. It’s not to entice anyone to pursue undesired goals. Read more on our disclaimer page.

Thomas Goodman

Thomas Goodman is a Degree Holder, a prolific Personal Finance writer and Expert. His work has been recognized by Millions of people round the world and the United States precisely. He has since over a decade, helped people to manage and gain full control over their finances through his adequate and concrete write-ups. His Goal is to inform and educate people worldwide on Personal Finance, Budgeting, Banking and Finance, Career Planning and Savings. He loves to Educate people to attain their financial freedom. Reach out to Him personally on [email protected]

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