11 Businesses With Low Start-up Capital To Easily Start In Ghana

Small Capital Business That Is Profitable In Ghana
Jobs are hard to find these days in Ghana, you might have just completed your senior high school and looking for a good business with low startup capital, as a side hustle or perhaps you are unemployed graduate. In this post, I will share with you some of the profitable small capital business in Ghana which you can easily start. These low startup capital businesses demands your dedication time and hard work. Even though it wouldn’t give a bumper harvest or give you super profit but with dedication and hard work, you can get as much profit you want. So many people has succeeded overtime with these businesses. Most of these businesses you do not need any experience to start and they are the most turn-to business to start when unemployed. Even though a section of people look down on these businesses but irrespective of that it has steady income that depicts the saying “little drops of water makes a mighty ocean”
How To Succeed With Small Capital business In Ghana
Small capital business refers to any business which can be started with small or low startup capital. In order to succeed and make huge profit out of these small businesses, you need to master hard work.
✔ Input more effort: Since these businesses needs small or low capital to start, you must input more effort to succeed. Hard work is the underlined word!
✔ Dedication and time: It only takes your time and dedication to work that could fetch you more profit in small capital business.
✔ More savings: small capital business owners should learn to save more of their daily small returns, preferably a susu savings is the best for small businesses.
✔ Do not spend your business capital: To succeed with small business, don’t be tempted to squander your small capital. Always ensure your small start-up capital is intact to keep running your business.
Small Capital Business To Start In Ghana
Small start-up capital businesses to start in Ghana that is low valued but highly profitable.
1. Soft drinks and Sachet/bottled water business
One of a non-seasonal business in Ghana is sales of soft drinks and sachet or bottled water. It’s a very profitable business to start and it doesn’t take thousands of cedis to get started. The good news is that it doesn’t need any experience to start. Every one buys water and soft drinks all time and it has a good market value and patronage.
2. Noodles vendor business
Another good business related to catering services in Ghana is noodles vendor business popularly called indomie or indomie talia(typical Ghanaian reference). As a related catering service, it doesn’t cost much to start a noodle business and it’s highly patronized in Ghana with good amount of profit.
3. Manicure and pedicure business
Manicure and pedicure is a very good profit making business in Ghana. It just requires little experience and small capital to start your “hand and toe” business.
4. Starting a gym business
Starting a gym business in Ghana is very profitable and easy because of it’s oddness. Many people don’t know gym business is profitable and doesn’t cost much depending on the size and equipments. Gym is now a fitness and healthy lifestyle which a lot of people patronize.
5. Make-up
Make-up is a fast growing profitable business which you can start with small capital and get good amount of profit. Make-up artists are growing their accounts with the makeups business.
6. Taxi and uber business
Another profitable business in Ghana recent times is uber driving. It’s the new and modernized means of transportation(formerly dropping) in cities. Uber drivers and owners are making good amount of income from the uber business which you can consider.
7. pragya business
Motor tricycle referred to as pragya for within-town transportation is the new money making business in town. Both pragya riders and owners are making bumper harvest in the within-town transport business. You can consider owning one for business purposes.
8. Home teaching
You can start a home to home teaching business, many people don’t consider home teaching but it’s a good start to employ yourself and start earning from your knowledge and efforts. Many rich homes wants home teachers who can teach their children at home after school and you can start that asap at no cost.
9. The buy and sell business
Timing the market prices to buy goods at lower cost and then selling them later when prices increases is a good business to run. Commodities such as maize, yam, and beans comes at a lower price in their abundance season, prices increases when they become scarce in the market during their out-of-seasons. The small money you have can buy any it could afford, reserve and resold later.
10. Laundry services
You can start a laundry business with only a washing machine, drier and iron. Laundry service is a very booming business in Ghana today and could be established with small startup capital.
11. Internet cafe and printing press
One may say smartphones and laptops has decreased the profitability of internet cafe but nay! It’s still a good business to start in Ghana with small amount of startup capital. Aside that, printing press attached to the internet cafe could fetch you good amount of profit.
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