Students Loan Trust Fund- Check Out The Qualification And Application Processes In Ghana

How To Apply For Students Loan In Ghana
Students loan trust fund offers loans to tertiary students living and schooling in Ghana and are pursuing accredited courses in accredited tertiary institutions. The aim of the fund is to provide timely and financial support to needy students in tertiary institutions in Ghana. The students loan trust fund gives loans to needy tertiary students to fund their school fees, books, study equipments and some other necessities. Application forms opens for new applicants at the beginning of every academic year.
Who Qualifies To Apply For Students Loan Trust Fund In Ghana?
Before you apply for SLTF in Ghana, consider the following.
School Accreditation
Before applying to be given a loan by SLTF, your school must be an accredited tertiary institution under the accreditation of national accreditation board in Ghana.
Programme Accreditation
You should check that all courses or courses run by the school and which you are pursuing are duly accredited by the national accreditation board. Your loan application would be turned down if the programmes you offer are not accredited by the national accreditation board (NAB)
Living and Schooling in Ghana
Applicants should live and school in Ghana because the students loan trust fund aims to support needy Ghanaian students who live and studies in Ghana. Your application wouldn’t be accepted if you are not a resident of Ghana or your school is outside Ghana.
Needy Applicant
SLTF applicants should be needy students who struggle to pay fees, buy books or learning tools. Application wouldn’t be granted if background checks indicates that you are capable of paying your fees and books. It’s only for Ghanaian needy tertiary students who can’t afford for their school fees, books, study equipments and other necessities.
Student Loan Trust Fund Application Requirements
Once you qualify to apply for students loan from students loan trust fund, there are requirements you must meet in order to have your application approved. Below are some application requirements for your SLTF application success.
✔ You must be a registered tertiary student: All applicants are required to be registered students in accredited tertiary institutions as stated above.
✔ You must have ezwich account linked to bank account: Applicants are strictly required to have an ezwich account that’s linked to their bank account in same bank. This is normally done to avoid inconveniences during funds disbursement and withdrawals.
✔ Social security or SSNIT number: You are also required to have a social security and national insurance trust reference number in order to complete your application.
✔ Telephone number: Applicants telephone number is another requirement needed to successfully complete your application form in order to get your application approved.
✔ Valid national I’d card and student I’d card: A valid national I’d card is required as well as your student I’d card to successfully complete your application processes.
✔ Two passport photographs: You are to provide two sizeable passport photographs in order to complete your application processes.
✔ Guarantor: You are to present a guarantor who is a SSNIT contributor. You may also present an MMDA, Corporate body or religious body as guarantors. However, most students find their application stuck at this point because it is very difficult sometimes to get these guarantors. But the good news is that, the ministry of education lead by Dr. Osei Yaw Adutwum has promised to eliminate this section during the launch, board of trustees for students loan trust fund in early 2021. I deem to make updates to this post if the guarantors section is finally eliminated from students loan trust fund application processes.
How To Apply For Students Loan Trust Fund In Ghana
Below are processes involved in applying for students loan trust fund in Ghana. If you are a tertiary student in Ghana and if you wish to apply for students loan, you can look up to this post as reference or guide.
1. Login to students loan trust fund website
If you wish to apply for the students loan trust fund, visit the website and follow the application link to apply.
2. Fill out forms
After following the link to apply, fill out all the forms available while following every instructions. After that print out all summary pages.
3. Guarantor deed and loan agreement
You should now print out and complete the loan agreement form and guarantor deed.
4. Index and thumbprint
At any nearby SSNIT office, index and thumbprint your documents whiles you take along attached photocopies of your student ID card, admission letter and your SSNIT reference number.
5. Submission
Submit two completed original copies of forms together with other supporting documents such as your nations ID card, student ID card, admission letter and other necessary documents to the campus office of the students loan trust fund.
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