
5 Non-Monetary Factors To Consider When Looking For A Job – Don’t Accept Employment To Any Company That Doesn’t Consider These

5 Important Non-Monetary Factors To Consider When Looking For A Job

Have you been asked by some one, what you really want from your employer aside pay? Well, one great man once said something. “Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you’ll have more success than you could possibly have imagined” Our focus is almost always about the monetary aspect but there are important factors to consider when looking for a job aside the monetary gains which is the main focal point. But think deeper and you will find many more factors to consider in what to look for in a job. These same factors should also be considered by employers since that’s the best way to attract high skilled workers. On the other hand, these factors are currently being used by various companies to attract workers. Companies recruiting employees might want to look beyond using the normal approach to recruit and retain skilled workers with these nonmonetary factors..

What Are The Factors To Consider When Looking For a Job

A discovery revealed that these are major factors pushing a lot of high skilled employees out the door, forcing them to resign and seek re-employment and they look for these in-job elements in their next employers. More than half of workers resign based on non-monetary benefits but on things that will make them enjoy their independence and happiness as they work. They have the opportunity to shift into rehiring if employers change their hiring policies to focus on those factors which employees want the most.

Things To Look For In a Job Other Than pay

Below are nonmonetary factors to consider when looking for a job.

1. Trust And Compassion

Factors to consider when looking for a job – According to research, the majority of job seekers want trust and compassion in their workplace more than they want money. Over the past years, job seekers have complained countless times that their managers don’t trust them and having no compassion for them either. Some workers also complain that companies that have mandatory meetings at the beginning and end of each day to ensure employees are working their full eight hours is part of distrust in workers.

However, employees want to be trusted that they will get their job done. Trust in the workplace transforms to even more important factors, such as flexibility in “when and where” employees work, understanding what their goals are and having supervisors who support their work. Employees also want a compassionate leader, someone who is thoughtful in how he interact with his team, understands their needs and has their back at all times. Compassionate leaders listen to, understand and support staff. This further allows employees to build trust with their employers.

Plus, if companies want to attract and retain great employees, they need to ensure that employees are trusted and valued members of the company. Skilled employees want to work for companies who trust them to deliver, even when they are not in the same building with them.

2. Work Flexibility

Factors to consider when looking for a job – The rise of remote work means workers are keyed into flexibility in the workplace. Flexibility is now focus point to attract top employees, skilled employees knows that there are hundreds of great companies that will give them that flexibility. They can now demand that who they work for meets the criteria, as their options are much larger. Implementing flexible schedules helps promote personal wellness and a healthy work environment.

A research in the past years shows that job seekers prioritize work schedule flexibility over remote work. Businesses should look to offer hybrid work, remote work, in-person work, flexible hours, or other necessary accommodations that allow employees to feel and perform their best.

3. Personal Connection

Factors to consider when looking for a job – As remote work continues to increase, employees want to feel connected to the company, their colleagues and the purpose and values of the business. Maintaining a culture of collaboration and teamwork remotely is essential for employee retention and business success. Employers must adapt in-person communications systems to fit remote and hybrid work so remote workers don’t feel the negative effects of isolation, fatigue and disconnection. Considering activities that encourage communication and care can help ensure people feel connected to their team. This can be as simple as virtual events, providing a change of scenery between meetings or more comprehensive team-building programs.

As organizations continue to prioritize the wellness, health and vitality of employees, individuals will deliver higher levels of performance. The connection that employees used to feel by being on-site every day is now replaced by doing real, meaningful work for companies whose purpose and values goes with their own.

4. Training and Development

Factors to consider when looking for a job – Research shows that re-skilling is a key stepping stone to new opportunities and a lot of people had started taking steps to learn new skills. Employees want training, workshops and development in the workplace, whether it’s a formal mentorship program where they are paired with leaders in various areas of the organization, or a specific training program that provides them the skills needed to move into supervisory positions. They want to see opportunities to grow within the company.

5. Recognition, Mutual Respect And Value

Factors to consider when looking for a job – Everyone wants their voice to be heard and recognized in the workplace. This applies to all employees, whether you work in person, hybrid or remote. Employees want to know they will be listened to when they have ideas to improve a process or see an opportunity to change a long-standing practice. Employees also want action to follow their feedback. This makes them feel that they are a meaningful part of the team. From flexibility with remote work to having a true work-life balance, the pandemic has shown all of us what is possible in the workplace. Companies and leaders who recognize these needs and find ways to meet them will ultimately win the ongoing strife of workforce.


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Thomas Goodman

Thomas Goodman is a Degree Holder, a prolific Personal Finance writer and Expert. His work has been recognized by Millions of people round the world and the United States precisely. He has since over a decade, helped people to manage and gain full control over their finances through his adequate and concrete write-ups. His Goal is to inform and educate people worldwide on Personal Finance, Budgeting, Banking and Finance, Career Planning and Savings. He loves to Educate people to attain their financial freedom. Reach out to Him personally on [email protected]

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